She Speaks the Word
Pope Francis has opened the door to women acolytes and lectors. Let’s walk through that door together.
“For me, lectoring comes from the heart”: Watch our video featuring women called to liturgical ministry
In January of 2021, Pope Francis changed the laws of the Catholic Church to officially allow women to be acolytes and lectors, or altar servers and readers, at Mass.
Women are ready and eager to serve the church. The next step is for the US Bishops Conference to agree on a formation process so that women can begin to formally prepare for these ministries.
There is no time to waste in recognizing the gifts of women.
Women are ready, called, and capable.
Hear from women who long for greater opportunities and formation in their parishes.
Talk to your bishop
Ask the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to create a formal rite of installation for the roles of acolyte and lector for women.