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Dear Brothers in Christ

Copy the letter below as a template to write to your bishop.

Your Excellency,

I write to you as a faithful and engaged Catholic who was excited to see Pope Francis’s apostolic letter, “Spiritus Domini,” make it official that women can be formally installed in the ministries of acolyte and lector. 

We know that with the fall USCCB meeting quickly approaching, there are many demands on your time and agenda.

But we believe it is imperative that you and your brother bishops discuss and agree upon a formation process and installation rite for acolytes and lectors that includes women; we believe it is an important step for women to participate more fully in liturgical ministries as sanctioned by the Vatican.  At a time when our church is in crisis, there is no time to waste in formally preparing women for this ministry. We need the gifts of the whole church at this moment.

Pope Francis has opened the door to officially install women acolytes and lectors. Let’s walk through that door together. Please put this formation and installation process on your agenda for the fall meeting - it cannot wait.

You have my prayers and support in this important work.

Yours in Christ,

 To find your bishop’s contact information, do a web search for “[your location] Catholic diocese” to find your diocesan website. Your bishop’s email address, or a diocesan email address, will be easily available there.